overviewA temporal collection is a simple way to implement a Temporal Property or a Temporal Object. A temporal instance (either a Temporal Property or Temporal Object), when going through a series of amendments, the property itself or the properties the object references change over time. Each version of the temporal instance captures the state of the instance that will last for some period of time until the instance changes again with another amendment. implementationTemporal Collection The basic representation and interface for a temporal collection provides get and put operations that use a date as an index: TemporalCollection Interface
overviewData Transfer Object (DTO) is an object used to pass data with multiple items in one shot between client and server, to avoid client from issuing multiple calls to a remote server to get each item in separate calls.
Optionally, we can make use of a DTO Assembler class as some sort of a mapper in between DomainObject and DataTransferObject to map from one side to another in either direction. That is, to create a serializable DTO object given a Domain Object, or to update a Domain Object given a DTO object. |
May 2020